Year 5 Trip

What a wonderful day Year 5 have had! We walked around the River Lee and completed a check list for all the features we managed to see. Our helpful tour guide explained to us all about erosion and sediment. We learned about how alder trees disperse their seeds and grow trees (we even managed to find some seeds and threw them into the river for their chance of turning into trees). After carefully observing the river, we did a field sketch and found out about important things like drawing arrows to show the direction of the water and writing the date so you could compare it in the future. After this, we looked at the Navigation and completed our check list again. Our timing was perfect as we were fortunate to see a narrow boat going through the lock and we were able to help with opening it. After lunch, we went to the discovery centre and were able to observe a wide variety of birds. As always, pupils were excellent ambassadors for the school and we are very grateful for our wonderful parent helpers!