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Nursery Admissions – Applications now open

Please see Nursery Admissions for more details.

Primary Admissions

Applying for a Reception place for 2024-2025

(For children born between 1st September 2019 and 31st August 2020)

Apply online from 1st November 2023

Application deadline is 15th January 2024

Apply online for Reception places at Hertfordshire Admissions

In Year Admissions

All in year applications must go through Hertfordshire County Council’s Admission Team but you are welcome to make an appointment to view the school prior to your application.

Late Applications

Any online or paper application received after the statutory deadline dates will be treated as a late application. Late applications are not dealt with until all on time applications have been considered.

Customer Service Centre

For help and support please contact the Customer Service Centre on: 0300 123 4043

Text phone (for deaf and hard of hearing people only) 0300 123 4041

Calls to all numbers starting 0300 will be charged at no more than the national rate for 01 or 02 numbers and will count towards inclusive minutes in a mobile contract.

The lines are open from 8:00am to 8:00pm Monday to Friday and 9:00am to 4:00pm on Saturday. The team of advisers will be able to answer most enquiries.

Some enquiries will be referred to Admissions and Transport officers who have knowledge of specific geographical areas in Hertfordshire. The address of the Admission and Transport Team is:

CHR102, County Hall, Pegs Lane, Hertford SG13 8DF