Remote Learning during school closure
School Office
The School Office is staffed from 8.30am until 4.00pm. If you need to contact us outside of these times, please leave a message on the answer phone.
Parent View
Online Payments
Please follow the link below to login and pay online for school trips.
Contact Details
It is sometimes necessary to contact parents during the day if their child has had an accident or is taken ill at school. For this reason we keep details of where parents work or can normally be found, as well as the telephone numbers of additional emergency contacts (such as grandparents or near neighbours). This includes any change in personal circumstances that affect the children. It is most important that you help us keep this information up to date. Please let us know in writing, immediately of any change of address, workplace, phone number, family doctor or other relevant information.
Parents should, wherever possible, administer or supervise the self-administration of medication to their children. This may be effected by the child going home during the lunch break or by the parent visiting the establishment. However, this might not be practicable and in such a case parents may make a request for medication to be administered to the child at the school.
- Medicines in School Policy (437.30KB)
Pastoral Care
Consultation evenings take place in the Autumn and Spring terms and Annual Reports go out in July. Parents are welcome to make appointments with Class Teachers to discuss these Reports. An Open Evening is held in the Summer term, when parents are invited to visit every part of the school, with their own children as their guides! In the Autumn Term we hold “new to year group” parent information sessions after school. Children starting school have the opportunity to visit the school and meet their new teacher during the half-term before they start full-time schooling.
Financial Support
We believe that all our pupils should have an equal opportunity to benefit from school activities and visits (curricular and extra curricular) independent of their parents’/carers’ financial means. We will do our best to ensure a good range of visits and activities is offered and, at the same time, try to minimise the financial barriers which may prevent some pupils taking full advantage of the opportunities.
- Charging Policy (124.14KB)
Free School Meals
Please see information about Free School Meals on the HCC website.
Stevenage Food Bank
The Stevenage Community Food Bank has been set up to provide a safety net for Stevenage residents who find themselves in sudden financial crisis. The Food Bank provides nutritious food for a 3 week period. Customers can have a maximum of 3 vouchers per year (9 weeks of food). The Food Bank works with various agencies such as the Citizen’s Advice Bureau and Stevenage Homes who can help to assess the person’s needs after which a voucher is issued.
If you would like further information we can discuss this with you on a confidential basis. Alternatively contact for more information.
Severe Weather/Adverse Conditions:
Parents/Carers will be informed by Schoolcomms if we need to close due to overnight inclement weather or other incident. We will update our school Facebook and Twitter pages.