Statutory Information

Contact Details

Chertsey Rise,
Herts SG2 9JQ

Tel: 01438 351090
Fax: 01438 353464


  • Chair of Governors: Mr J Lawson
  • Headteacher: Mrs M Janes
  • Deputy Headteacher: Miss P Ruprai
  • Assistant Headteacher: Mr R Yates

Our INCo covering SEND is Miss Ruprai. Please contact her via the School Office.

Mrs Wasley (Office Manager) will deal with queries from parents and other members of the public. The school office hours are 8.30am – 4pm

Admission Arrangements

Please see our Admissions page for more information

School Uniform

Please see our Uniform page.


Ofsted Inspection Reports on the Ofsted website

Key Stage 1 and 2 Test Results 2023

Performance Tables

School Performance Tables

School Opening hours

Please see our Opening Hours page.


Please see our Curriculum pages for information about how our curriculum is delivered.

Behaviour Policy

Pupil premium and recovery premium

PE and Sport Premium

Special Educational Needs (SEN)

For SEND curriculum  and access information please see our Special Educational Needs & Disability page.

Public sector equality duty

Complaints Procedure

Governors’ Information

Please see our Governors page for details.

Financial Information

School Financial Benchmarking

Charging and Remissions

Values and Ethos

Please see our Ethos & Values page.

Request for Copies

If you require a paper copy of any information on our website, we will provide this free of charge.

Last Day of Term - Friday 19th July - 1.30pm Finish