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“Governors are committed to helping the school improve. They access appropriate training to ensure that they have the skills required to understand and carry out their statutory duties.”

The Role of the Governing Body

Who are we?

There are currently eight full governors who make up the Governing Body. Three are members of staff (one is an Observer only), one is a Local Authority governor (Hertfordshire County Council) and four are Community governors (co-opted). The full Governing Body meets twice a term. Full Governing Body meetings are face-to-face meetings, held at the school.

There is a financial action group that meets once per term to monitor the financial performance of the school. This group alongside the headteacher also sets the budget every April.

When Do We Meet?

Governors meet once or twice each term, in the evening, usually on a Monday. Each meeting lasts about two hours. The financial action group also meets face to face usually before the full governors meeting.

What do we do?

The Governing Body is responsible for overseeing the work of the school and ensuring that everything is done properly.

We act as a “critical friend” to the Headteacher, reviewing what has been achieved and helping to plan for the future.

We approve the school’s curriculum and set the vision, ethos and strategic direction for the school.

We oversee the financial decisions of the school, ensuring the school’s income is well spent. We approve and monitor the school’s annual budget plans.

We oversee the school’s safeguarding arrangements.

We take an active role in virtually all appointments of new staff, to ensure that we have the best people possible to work with the pupils.

We investigate complaints against the school.

In addition, governors visit the school regularly to observe all aspects of the school’s work.

How can you become a Governor?

Initially, you can respond to an announcement in the school newsletter that there is a vacancy. The LA Governor is nominated by Herts County Council, the parents in the school vote for the Parent Governors and the Governing Body appoints the Community/Co-opted Governors and any associate governors. The Staff body elect the Staff Governor.

Each governor is appointed for four years, initially, but can be re-elected or co-opted. If you are interested in the idea of becoming a governor, you can contact the Headteacher or Chair of Governors to discuss things further.

There are currently vacancies for parent governors.

To contact the Chair please use the school admin email address:

List of Governors

Name Category Term Attendance at Meetings
Roles / Responsibilities Relevant business & Pecuniary interests
Juliet Whitehead Co-opted Mar 23 – Mar 27 5/6 Interim Chair Vice Chair at Bengeo Primary School
William Spicer LEA Jan 24 – Jan 28 9/9 Pupil Premium
Marina Stone Co-opted Jul 24 – Jul 28 7/10 Safeguarding & Inclusion None
Maria Janes Headteacher Ex Officio 9/9 None
Karen Cox Staff Jan 22 – Jan 26 5/6 None
Dr Matthew Laban Co-opted Jul 24 – Jul 28 1/1 Principal of Barclay Academy
Samantha Bolton Parent Jul 24 – Jul 28 1/1 None
Vicky Moran Parent Jul 24 – Jul 28 1/1 None
Governors who have left within the last year
Pam Ruprai Associate Jan 22 – Jan 26 5/6 Deputy Headteacher
James Lawson Co-opted Jan 22 – Jan 26 8/9 Chair None
Mark Lewis Co-opted Sep 23 – Sep 27 Safeguarding
Tanya Haskins Parent Jan 21 – Jan 25 8/9 Safeguarding
Robert Robertson Parent Jan 19 – Jan 23 6/9 None
Kieran Doyle Parent Jan 21- Jan 25 6/9 None
Interim Chair of Governors – Juliet Whitehead

I have been a Co-opted Governor at Ashtree since March 2023 and I am also a Governor at another Hertfordshire Primary School. It’s a challenging but very rewarding role. As part of the Governing Body, you help to ensure the smooth and effective running of Ashtree and promote the highest standards of educational achievement.

As a parent of two school aged children, together with the many years I have worked for Hertfordshire County Council in education, I know and understand what the key issues are for Hertfordshire’s children and families.

I work in the Education Leadership Team with specific responsibilities for a range of work. My key responsibility is managing the Herts County Council School Improvement Contract with HFL Education (formerly known as Herts for Learning). This involves a range of functions in support of maintained schools including governance, finance, Early Years, SEND and Human Resources.

In addition, I also have 5 years’ experience as a primary teacher working in a Hertfordshire school with years 1 & 2 and 5 & 6. I enjoy combining my professional expertise and experience with serving on the Governing Body.