Return to Parents


Parents have a legal requirement to see that their children attend school regularly and punctually. Only illness or extenuating family circumstances (eg. bereavement) are valid reasons for absence. Casual days off school for the convenience of parents are not permissible. Please put your child’s education first and do not request term time holidays.

Due to extenuating circumstances a maximum of five days may be granted. Permission must be obtained before such a leave of absence is confirmed (an application form for leave of absence is available from the School Office).

All absences should be notified to the school by telephone, using our dedicated absence line, or in person to the Secretary or Class Teacher on the first day of absence. On the child’s return from absence, she/he must bring an explanatory note, or medical slip, accounting for the absence.

This is a necessary check that the absence was genuine, and is a deterrent to truancy and abuse of the system. The School will issue Penalty Notices for poor attendance, as appropriate.

The school’s attendance policy requires parents/carers to notify the school of the reason for any absence either by telephone or letter.